The University of Maryland MRSEC grants ended in September 2013 after 17 years of successful operation. This site remains as a history of the center, but will not be actively maintained.

Pre-College Programs

Project Lead the Way

The UMD-MRSEC has formed a six-year partnership with Charles Herbert Flowers High School Project Lead the Way (PLTW) to implement its pre-engineering courses. In addition, MRSEC is a member of the PLTW advisory committee for PGCPS. PLTW is a pre-engineering program that introduces students to the scope, rigor, and discipline of engineering and engineering technology prior to entering college. Major goals of the program are to increase the number of young people who pursue engineering and engineering technology; provide equitable and inclusive opportunities for all academically qualified students without regard to gender or ethnic origin; and contribute to the continuance of America’s national prosperity.

MRSEC provides students with classroom inquiry-based activities, hands-on university-based instruction days, and summer programs. The MRSEC program includes:

Instructional Topics
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Engineering Design and Production
  • Electronic Circuits
  • Nanotechnology
Laboratory Visits
  • Modern Engineering Materials Instructional Lab
  • Nanofabrication Lab
  • Nanoscale Imaging, Spectroscopy, & Properties Lab
  • Keck Laboratory for Combinatorial Nanosynthesis and Multiscale Characterization

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